The State of Delaware has launched, a website dedicated to educating the public about Delaware's corporate law and ass
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Relatively unnoticed amidst more publicly-awaited rulings, the Supreme Court held that arbitration clauses in contracts which restrict or eliminate a party's right to seek class treatment will be strictly enforced under the Federal Arbitration Act ("FAA"), 9 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.
When litigants wish to settle their dispute among themselves, even while they are on their way to appear before the Prætor, they shall have the right to make peace; and whatever agreement they enter into, it shall be considered just, and shall be confirmed.
Part 1 of this series, "Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution," can be found here.
For with law shall our land be built up and settled, and with lawlessness wasted and spoiled.
In the past, contract negotiations were typically part of a deliberative—if not formal—process, whether that process was carried out in-person, over the phone, by exchange of letters, or any combination of these types of communication. But those days are long gone. E-mail reigns supreme as the
The term “ADR” stands for “alternative dispute resolution.” The term ADR, when used in reference to a pending civil lawsuit, refers to the resolution of the lawsuit by means other than having a judge or jury decide the ultimate issues. ADR can be as informal as negotiations between the parties