In a short video on the Federalist Society website, Glenn Reynolds explains how “the basis for extraterrestrial property rights is essentially natural law.”
Posts for "Practical Guides" filter
In the New Hampshire Business Review, Brad Cook summarizes what “right to work” would mean for New Hampshire now that it is a realistic possibility with a Republican governor and Republicans
In the New Hampshire Business Review, Beth Deragon discusses an employer’s obligations under federal and New Hampshire law when closing a business early or for an entire day because of the weather.
In Business Law Today, our friend Kurt Heyman writes on the developing field of business divorce:
In the New Hampshire Bar News, Jennifer Parent offers some practical tips on dealing with employee disability leave requests.
At the China Law Blog, Steve Dickenson explains:
In the New Hampshire Business Review, Jim Reidy explains how “Just like the Rolling Stones lead singer’s offspring, laws continue to pop up.”
On Business Divorce Roundtable, a podcast of the New York Business Divorce Blog, Peter Mahler interviews Benjamin Means, Associate Professor of Law at the University of South Carolina School of Law, on the topic of
At the California Employment Law Report, Anthony Zaller highlights five misunderstandings that employers commonly have about employee discipline and documentation.
At Above the Law, Grover Cleveland gives some advice to third year law students looking to be better prepared to practice when they graduate.