Americans love reality television shows such as Pawn Stars and Hardcore Pawn. And in reality, pawn shops are becoming the financial services venues of choice—or necessity—for consumers pushed out of the mainstream financial system.
Posts for "Legislation" filter
Professor Richard Epstein discusses aspects Dodd-Frank and recent case law which affect the debit card industry.:
Oregon, which previously passed a benefit corporation statute, has now become the second state in the country to enact benefit limited liability company (BLLC) legislation.
At George Mason University's Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Wayne Sobon, Vice President and General Counsel of Inventergy, Inc. weighs in on the recent round of patent legislation and associated regulation. According to Sobon:
There have been many recent articles about “patent trolls.” We previously noted Professor Epstein’s article “Trolling for 'Patent Trolls'” here.
Professor Richard Epstein has published an article on the controversial issue of "patent trolls," companies that buy up patent rights in o
The Commission on Theft of American Intellectual Property hs released its 2013 report.