On the pages of the New York Times, Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff of Boston University is calling for the abolition of the corporate income tax:
Posts for "Legislation" filter
The Fraser Institute has issued its 2013 report on economic freedom in North America. Very interesting methodology and some surprising (and not-so-surprising) results.
In a recent post, Eugene Volokh briefly analyzes the US Supreme Court cases leading up to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRP).
The New York Times's Dealbook blog has news about Bitcoin fraud:
The State of Delaware has launched corplaw.delaware.gov, a website dedicated to educating the public about Delaware's corporate law and ass
Adam Mossoff offered testimony on November 19, 2013 before the Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance Subcommittee of the Senat
Io9.com has a report on the world's first ATM, located in Vancouver:
California has adopted a substantially revised Limited Liability Company Act, which goes into effect January 1, 2014.
Chief Justice Myron Steele of the Delaware Supreme Court has announced his retirement, effective November 30.
Ronald Coase, one of the pioneers of the field of law and economics and author of the most frequently cited law review article of all time, has died. He was 102.